Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Participatory Research Action: building an ecological food system in Spain

The serious challenges regarding agricultural unsustainability cannot be solved by exclusively relying upon technological changes that reduce environmental burdens. Although technological changes are important, is also crucial to transform the whole food system. The Participatory Research Action (PRA) approach is a methodological approach in order to collaborate among local communities in order to restructure physical, economic and information flows of local agriculture so as to achieve greater autonomy and resilience. In this paper, a series of case studies in which PRA has been applied to local production and consumption in Spain are presented. Those cases are characterized by a more sustainable use of local resources and the development of shorter commercialization chains.

Title of publication: Agroecología
Year: 2013
Country/ies: Spain
Geographical coverage: Europe and Central Asia
Content language: Spanish
Author: Guzmán Casado, G. I. , Alonso Mielgo, A. M.
Type: Journal article

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