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Biological control of arthropod pests by conservation: techniques and state of the art

Biological conservation control is positioning itself as an alternative to the use of synthetic chemical pesticides to control pest arthropod populations. The use of this strategy is aimed at increasing the abundance and diversity of the auxiliary fauna community through different techniques. However, it is observed that the increase of these parameters does not always have a direct impact on the suppression of crop pests. Ecological processes such as intraguild predation, functional redundancy and the complementarity of niches could explain the failure or success of biological control practices for conservation. The fact that biodiversity per se cannot determine the attainment of biological control of pests, initiates a change of trend towards the determination of functional diversity, understanding it as one that takes into account the biological features of the auxiliary fauna. The ultimate goal is to identify the optimal composition of the community that allows controlling populations of plague arthropods effectively.

Title of publication: Revista Ecosistemas
Year: 2013
Country/ies: Spain
Geographical coverage: Europe and Central Asia
Content language: Spanish
Author: Paredes, D. , Campos, M., Cayuela, L
Type: Journal article

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