Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Factors influencing organic agriculture policies with a focus on developing countries

Organic agriculture is frequently understood as a system of food production and consumption proper to environmentally- and health-conscious people of the developed world. The main drive of many developing countries to produce organic food and fibres is to tap market opportunities in developed nations. There are, however, other concerns that determine choices towards organic management. Conversion to organic agricultural systems is triggered by different objectives, such as: securing a place on international markets, export promotion, economic self-reliance, finding alternatives to decreased access to agricultural inputs, natural resource conservation, food self-sufficiency, and rural and wider social development.

An overview of different “entry-points” to organic agriculture, with examples of country policy and support measures (actual and potential) for organic agriculture around the world are presented in the paper.

Location: Basel, Switzerland
Year: 2000
Content language: English
Author: Nadia Scialabba ,
Type: Conference report
Organization: FAO

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