Agroecology Knowledge Hub

World agriculture: towards 2015/2030

This study is the latest forward assessment by FAO of possible future developments in world food, nutrition and agriculture, including the crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries sectors. It is the product of a multidisciplinary exercise, involving most of the technical units and disciplines present in FAO, as well as specialists from outside FAO. It continues the tradition of FAO's periodical perspective studies for global agriculture, the latest of which was published in 1995 (Alexandratos, 1995). Earlier editions were Alexandratos (1988), FAO (1981a) and FAO (1970). An interim, less complete version of the present study was published in April 2000. Comments received on the interim report helped shape the study in its present form.

Year: 2003
Content language: English
: ,
Type: Report
Organization: FAO

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