Agroecology Knowledge Hub

II International Scientific Convention UEA-2020: IV International Conference on Agroecology: “Communities in harmony with nature” - The First Symposium on Interculturality, Ancestral Knowledge and Indigenous Production Systems - The V Ibero-American Congress on Sustainable Land Management and Food Security

This event is presented as an alternative institutional relationship, giving access to professionals and farmers in the region to build more social, economic and ecological communities, to contribute to development of a sovereign and sustainable nation.

The event aims to strengthen scientific and productive activities oriented towards the sustainable development of peoples and nationalities, through an agroecological and gender equity approach. It is conceived as a paradigm to redefine research, education and the relationship with society in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Likewise, it is sought that the Amazon State University appropriates the development of the rural participation process of local communities in the Amazon region. This purpose of the process is to gather farmers, rural producers, organized local communities, student groups and independent research as well as professional groups that are immersed in farming activities with emphasis on the conservation of different ecosystems.

 20/04/2020 - 24/04/2020
Location: Puyo, Pastaza (Ecuador)
Year: 2020
Country/ies: Ecuador
Content language: Spanish
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Type: Event
Organization: Universidad Estatal Amazónica

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