Agroecology Knowledge Hub

The Future of Food: Seeds of Resilience. A Compendium of Perspectives on Agricultural Biodiversity from Around the World.

The Global Alliance for the Future of Food is a strategic network of independent foundations that commissioned experts from around the world to weigh in on a future that protects and improves resilient seed systems. This Compendium, includes an Opportunities Report by agricultural biodiversity researchers Emile Frison and Toby Hodgkin, as well as twelve commentaries from a diverse range of experts, including farmers, community activists, business representatives, researchers, and scientists to better understand where to focus collective efforts to address this issue.

The compendium highlights:

  • Threats to, and factors affecting, the preservation and maintenance of seed biodiversity;
  • What is needed to protect and enhance community based seed systems;
  • The social institutions and socio-economic factors that are supporting seed biodiversity;
  • Good policy practice on, and barriers to, agricultural biodiversity embedded in legislation at international, national and regional levels; and,
  • Key actors in agricultural biodiversity, funding gaps, and recommendations for strengthening community based efforts.
Year: 2016
Content language: English
: ,
Type: Report
Organization: The Global Alliance for the Future of Food

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