Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Terre & Humanisme - Agroecology in West Africa

Terre & Humanisme supports a change in society and agricultural practices, towards an ethical and political alternative in the service of food sovereignty and the safeguarding of Mother Earth, inspired by the philosophy of Pierre Rabhi. Terre & Humanisme supports actors engaged in the transition towards peasant agroecology in France, West Africa, the Maghreb, and the Middle East. In West Africa, Terre & Humanisme and its local partners together train endogenous agroecology facilitators, who in turn train and support grassroots farmers' organizations involved in the transition to agroecology.

Through this video, it is explained the ways in which local actors are anticipating land degradation to promote food independence while experimenting with agroecological farming techniques that improve soil yields as well as water resource management in the region. 

Year: 2020
Geographical coverage: Africa
Content language: French
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Type: Video
Organization: Terre & Humanisme (T&H)

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