Agroecology Knowledge Hub

FAO’s Multidisciplinary Fund is facilitating agroecological transitions and the implementation of Senegal’s Nationally Determined Contributions

To address the impacts of climate change and variability, Senegal is committed to the formulation of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). NDCs are commitments made by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Paris Agreement requires countries to prepare, communicate, and update their NDC.

Building on two international symposia on agroecology co-organized by FAO in 2015 and 2018, Senegal has pursued several initiatives aimed at promoting the adoption of climate-resilient approaches throughout the country, with the support of FAO and other partners.

These actions include the multi-stakeholder days for the development of agroecology in West Africa, organized by the multi-stakeholder Task Force for the Promotion of Agroecology in Senegal (TaFAé), the signing of a charter for green cities and towns committing more than 50 local authorities to the promotion of agroecology, regional and national workshops organized alongside partners from civil society organizations and beyond, a national platform for the development of agroecology was established. A multi-stakeholder consultation was organized to create a framework for interaction and synergies between the different categories of stakeholders, which led to the production of a document contributing to national policies on agroecology in Senegal: Contribution to national policies for an agroecological transition in Senegal. The process considered regional specificities, but also the experiences, concerns, and contributions of each category of actors.         

Year: 2020
Country/ies: Senegal
Geographical coverage: Africa
Content language: English
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Type: Article
Organization: FAO

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