Agroecology Knowledge Hub

The National Institute of Agricultural Technology showed the economic results of agroecology after eight years of experiments

This article from "Bichos de Campo" communicates the economic findings and results in agroecology from an experiment led by Martin Zamora, an agronomist at the Barrow Experimental Farm and national coordinator agroecology at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA for its acronym in Spanish). The experiment focused on the implementation plot under agroecological cultivation — besides another plantation exploited conventionally. The objective was to compare both systems on the same plot, the same climate, but very different working ways. The result shows agroecology offers better gross margins than conventional agriculture that uses agrochemicals and fertilizers.

"In general, what we change is the way we associate crops. We strategically managed the crops to not depend on urea and other chemical fertilizers, not to depend on herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. In the beginning, it was a transition. We started using less and less until we didn't need any more," said Zamora. 

Year: 2019
Country/ies: Argentina
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Full text available at:
Content language: Spanish
Author: Bichos de Campo, INTA ,
Type: Article

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