Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Webinar ''Transformation of our food systems the need for a paradigm shift''

“Business as usual is not an option” – the global report by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), published in 2009, came to a clear and straightforward conclusion. More than a decade later, decisive action is no longer “an option;” it’s an imperative.

The COVID-19 pandemic has moreover laid bare the inequities, system failures and dangers of today’s dominant, globalized and increasingly corporatized food and agriculture systems that have concentrated profits in the hands of a few, while simultaneously driving global climate, biodiversity and health crises towards their tipping points. Today’s multiple accelerating crises demand transformative change. Ample evidence now exists that such change is not only possible but is already happening on the ground in communities and countries around the world.

This session examined issues related to the underlying causes of food system performance, particularly the main challenges to achieving a significant paradigm shift towards reform and the actions to intensify its transformation.

Hans R. Herren
Molly D. Anderson
Ivette Perfecto
Lim Li Ching

Frank Eyhorn

The event was part of the ''Oxford Real Farming'' Conference in 2021.

Year: 2021
Content language: English
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Type: Event

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