Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Workshop: ‘’Finance and agroecology - Make money work for agroecology’’ on 19 April 2021 at 14:00 CEST

It is widely recognized that a radical transformation of food and agriculture systems is urgently needed in order to address converging social, economic, health and ecological crises. The potential of agroecology to transform food systems and render them more resilient, sustainable and inclusive is increasingly recognized and backed by a growing body of scientific evidence. However, as research has demonstrated, only a marginal proportion of public funding is dedicated to agroecology.

In order to improve the financing of agroecology, CIDSE and the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) of Coventry University conducted research on how the formats and channels of financing offered to agroecological projects can support the development of a just food system.

In the workshop Make Money Work for Agroecology the findings of this new study and the policy recommendations will be presented. The event will take place on the 19 April 2021, from 2 to 4 PM CEST and will be held in English, Spanish and French.

The second part of the webinar will give the opportunity to the attendees to discuss the findings and the policy recommendations within subgroups: What are the strategies for advocacy, institutional innovations pragmatic actions that can be taken (or are being taken) according to the specific context of each food system? How can these shifts, including the ideas/recommendations in the policy brief, be mobilized in your context?


Introduction by Michel Pimbert, Professor and Director of the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University.

Presentation of the results and policy recommendations of the new CIDSE-CAWG research and policy briefing on how we can “make money move for agroecology” by Colin Anderson (Coventry University) and Suzy Serneels (Broederlijk Delen).

Panel discussion:

  • Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit – DG DEVCO, European Commission
  • Alberta Guerra, Senior Policy Analyst, ActionAid International
  • Ricardo Navarro, Friend of the Earth El Salvador
  • Victor Suárez, Deputy-Secretary of Self-Sufficiency, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, México.

Workshop facilitated by Nina Moeller (Coventry University).

Conclusion by Gisele Henriques, Sustainable Technical Lead, CAFOD.

 19/04/2021 - 19/04/2021
Year: 2021
Content language: English, French, Spanish
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Type: Event
Organization: CIDSE and the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) of Coventry University

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