Launch Webinar of the "Stock-take Report on Agroecology in IFAD Operations: an integrated approach to sustainable food systems"
The Sustainable Production, Markets and Institutions Division (PMI) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), presents a special launch webinar of the “Stock-take Report on Agroecology in IFAD Operations: An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Food Systems” on 8 September 2021, at 13:30-15:00 (CEST).
The learning session discusses the key findings and their guidance for more effective investments in holistic approaches that support small-scale producers’ active participation in, benefits from, and contributions to sustainable production and food systems. Using agroecology as an example, the session invites to participate in an enriching exchange with IFAD partners on opportunities to scale up holistic and territorial grounded approaches to sustainable food systems.
Food systems and their sustainability are high on the global agenda and agroecology is one of the innovative approaches that can support a transition to sustainable food systems. As a holistic approach, it not only applies ecology-based principles in farming systems conserving biodiversity. It also promotes social values around benefit sharing and inclusion of women, youth and vulnerable groups in circular and solidarity economies, responsible governance, and innovations through co-creation of knowledge. As a practice, science, and movement, agroecology aims to increase and diversify agricultural production while efficiently using and recycling resources in farming and food systems. Agroecology seeks to promote linkages between producers and consumers around the value of sustainably produced food, increase small-scale producers’ access to secure and differentiated markets, and enhance communities’ nutritional security and resilience to climate change.
IFAD has a long history in supporting sustainable natural resources management in farming systems and landscapes including agroecology-based practices, applied in different agro-ecological and socio-economic contexts, involving small-scale producers and their organizations including Indigenous Peoples, while empowering women, men and rural youth. As part of the agreed activities under the FAO-led multi-agency Scaling up Agroecology Initiative, and in line with the Ten Elements of Agroecology approved by the FAO Council in 2019, PMI has developed a framework for assessing agroecology in the IFAD portfolio as an important activity for identifying learning opportunities, improving and scaling up. The framework addresses interventions at four levels: i) farming system agroecological practices; ii) landscape-level natural resources governance and nature-based solutions to sustain and enhance ecosystem services and secure equitable access to resources for vulnerable groups; iii) markets supporting agroecology-based value chains and innovations in connecting consumers and small-scale producers around values of sustainable and healthy food; and iv) policies, instruments and services enabling agroecology and sustainable food systems.
Using this framework, IFAD conducted a stock-take on its portfolio of all 207 projects completed or to be completed between 2018 and 2023, representing a total investment of USD 15.5 billion including leveraged co-financing. By applying ecological principles in integrated farming systems, IFAD supports small-scale producers to produce safe, nutritious and healthy food and build resilient food and income streams from a diversity of farm outputs, improving their capacities to withstand the climate and other shocks and stresses. However, the stock-take also provides interesting findings on areas where IFAD can do more with all its development partners to achieve the full benefits for sustainable food systems and small-scale producers, their organisations and families.
Provisional Agenda:
- Opening remarks by Thouraya Triki, Director, PMI, IFAD: 10 minutes
- Presentation of the framework and key findings from the stock-take by Rikke Olivera (Senior Global Technical Specialist, Natural Resources Management, PMI, IFAD) and Doina Popusoi (Agroecology-Natural Resources Management Consultant, PMI, IFAD: 30 minutes
- Points on how the agroecology stock-take has informed the development of IFAD’s new Biodiversity strategy by Jyotsna Puri, Director, Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division (ECG), IFAD (5 minutes)
- Open floor feedback insights from the audience (35 minutes)
- Recap and closure (10 minutes)
Moderator: Rossana Polastri, Regional Director, Latin America and the Caribbean Division (LAC), IFAD.