Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Podcast: ''Food is changing the world''

The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) is launching its "Feeding the living" podcast, with the first season entitled "Food is changing the world". Over the course of six episodes, each set to the rhythm of a field experiment in the South, listeners can discover the different levers for transforming food systems. From school catering to agroecology, via geographical indications, CIRAD offers a taste of the journey (and of solutions).

Virtuous initiatives are springing up all over the world, demonstrating more sustainable and inclusive food systems. Through this series devoted to food, CIRAD aims to give voice to these experiences. Narrated by a CIRAD scientist and accompanied by scientists, farmers, trainers, students and breeders, each episode tells the story of the power of transformation of agricultural systems, from food production to employment, via ecosystem health.

Year: 2022
Content language: French
Author: CIRAD ,
Type: Audio

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