Agroecology Knowledge Hub

CGIAR's Initiative: ‘’Transformational Agroecology across Food, Land, and Water systems’’

A redesign of food systems is urgently needed to simultaneously achieve ecological, economic and social sustainability. Agroecology is gaining prominence as an approach to achieving this radical shift. Evidence demonstrates how agroecological approaches can contribute to sustainable, resilient agricultural and food systems today and in the future.

However, despite many locally appropriate agroecological solutions at the farm level, mechanisms for scaling them to broader food, land and water systems are limited. Barriers include a) insufficient evidence and lack of knowledge of what agroecological innovations work, where, when, and why; b) insufficient integration of required capacities and resources; c) lack of, or misaligned, policies, institutions, and governance practices; and d) lack of financial mechanisms.

The Initiative ''Transformational Agroecology across Food, Land, and Water systems'' of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) aims to develop and scale agroecological innovations for small-scale farmers and other agricultural and food system actors across different socio-ecological contexts in seven low- and middle-income countries.

This objective will be achieved through:

  • Transdisciplinary co-creation of innovations in Agroecological Living Labs
  • Evidence-based agroecology assessments
  • Inclusive business models and financing strategies
  • Strengthening the policy- and institutional-enabling environment
  • Understanding and influencing agency and behaviour change.

Find more about the Agroecology Initiative of One CGIAR here.

Year: 2021
Content language: English
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Type: Project
Organization: CGIAR

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