Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Farmer’s story: Moving towards agroecologically sustainable farming

Sandeep Narayan Jamjade is a farmer residing in Jalochi Village, Baramati, and Pune, India. He is 37 years old with a family of 11. He started his farming venture when he was 24. It took him years of trial and error to adopt various practical solutions leading to ecologically sustainable agricultural practices.

Stabilizing his livelihood by incorporating farming practices of agroecological approach was not an overnight transformation for him; it took 3 years of self-education, guidance, and awareness from his fellow farmers and SankalpTaru’s on-ground coordinator Gopal.

He is an example to so many local farmers in his region, his farming practices throughout agroecology has been strengthening the sustainability of all parts of the food system, from the seed and soil to the table including ecological knowledge and economic viability.

Many of his relatives and friends have spread the word of his practices in the entire village as the result of which other farmers of his locality come to his farm to learn about his sustainable farming practices which are helping him to raise his annual income, strengthen the food security of his family while serving to rejuvenate his land and the surrounding environment. He holds monthly informal workshops on his farm to share his knowledge regarding the social, economic and ecological benefits of agroecological farming.

Year: 2021
Country/ies: India
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Content language: English
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Type: Journal article

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