Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Agroecological practices are widely used by African farmers

The visibility of Agroecological Practices in Africa Project Team

Agroecology is a body of knowledge, practices and political movements that aims to support transformation of food and agricultural systems to long-term social and environmental sustainability. African farmers face multiple challenges, and agroecology has been proposed as contributing to solutions and hence is being supported and promoted on the continent. However, the viability of agroecological practices for African farmers has been questioned.

The project that produced the results in this paper was set up to understand more about the viability of agroecological practices at farm and household level, identifying the lockins and drivers use of agroecology and paying particular attention to labour and work.

This paper summerises the extensive messages that emerged from the analyses of 11 cases across eight countries; each with adaptation of details to local contexts.

Year: 2023
Country/ies: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Senegal, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania
Geographical coverage: Africa
Content language: English
Author: CIFOR , World Agroforestry
Type: Working paper
Organization: CIFOR

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