Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Sowing Change, Growing Together, Creating a Resilient Food Future- Synthesis report of the 2023 Agroecology Europe forum converging movements for resilient food systems

Focusing on connections between living organisms, nature, rural communities, and various actors in the food chain, the 2023 Agroecology Europe Forum was co-hosted by the Hungarian Agroecology Network Association on 16-18 November against the backdrop of the Mátra Mountains in the Hungarian town of Gyöngyös. “Converging movements for resilient food systems” means promoting dialogue between degrowth, agroecology, and climate and social justice movements, focusing on how each endeavour can strengthen and complement each other in completing different pieces of the puzzle of a regenerative future. The Forum shone a light to the agroecological richness of Central Eastern Europe and created stronger alliances between the different actors involved in the science, practice, and movement arms of agroecology in a more rural context.

Attendees embarked on a journey of dialogue and knowledge exchange about degrowth, agroecology, climate, and social justice. The goal was to understand how these diverse efforts can work in synergy to build a regenerative future. The Forum focused on the transition pathway for the food system through key themes of soil health and one health, strategic alliances commonalities and true inclusivity in agroecology, challenges and opportunities for policy and local governance and combining traditional knowledge and technology.

This synthesis report of the 2023 Agroecology Europe Forum is an outcome of the shared learning and inspiration to build a resilient food system. It serves as the representative and meaningful portrayal of collective understanding and vision co-created by diverse participants of the Forum. This report is a critical outlook and synthesis of presentations and discussion notes taken by the volunteers. It explores the current state and envisioned future of a resilient food system and offers actionable insights for food system stakeholders.

Year: 2024
Content language: English
Type: Report

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