Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Farming Matters: Listening to pastoralists

This issue of Farming Matters explores the different ways pastoral societies are joining forces to challenge the policies that undermine their culture and way of life.

For millennia, pastoralist societies have managed the rangelands of the world’s most challenging environments, producing food and providing ecosystem services for millions of households.

The experiences, opinions and perspectives presented in this issue highlight the importance of pastoral societies for agroecology and the transformation of entire food systems.

Editorial: Pastoralists and agroecologyby Madeleine Florin, Diana Quiroz
Who calls the shots? Adapting traditional land governance in Somaliaby Sadia Ahmed, John Livingstone, Amsale Shibeshi, Nick Pasiecznik
Preserving our Bedouin heritageby Eaetemad Rafallah Abdallah
Pastoralists’ breeds hold generations of knowledgeby Ilse Köhler-Rollefson
Building the Arab Pastoralist Communities Networkby Khalid Khawaldeh
Working towards a brighter futureby Atef Mahmoud Mohammad Beni Odeh
Local solutions for forcibly confined flocksby Alessandro Cristalli
Locally rooted: ideas and initiatives from the fieldby ILEIA
Yarns from the desert: sustainable guanaco managementby Gabriela Lichtenstein
Better approaches in support of pastoralismby Margherita Gomarasca, Michele Nori
Call for articles: Climate resilient food systemsby ILEIA
Volume: 32.4
Publisher: ILEIA
Year: 2016
ISBN: ISSN: 2210-6499
Content language: English
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Type: Book

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