Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Effects of fertilizer treatments on ecological environment and yield of zizania-rice rotation system

Zizania-rice rotation system was established and treated by 3 fertilizing methods. We analyzed the effects of fertilizer treatments on the environment and crop yield of zizania-rice rotation system. Results showed that the organic fertilizer was beneficial to zizania-rice rotation system both in ecological terms and for soil fertility. Soil in that cropping system had the lowest bulk density (1.15 g/cm3) and highest total porosity (54.92%), while the water storage capacity was 27.36 mm. The system also had the highest zizania yield (74,800 kg/ha). There was no significant difference on rice yield among the cropping system treated by different fertilizing methods.

Title of publication: Environmental Pollution & Control
Volumen: 33
N.0: 3
ISSN: 1001-3865
Intervalo de páginas: 38-43
Año: 2011
País(es): China
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: Chinese (Traditional)
Author: CAO Lin-kui , WEN Yi, ZHANG Hanlin, MIN Min
Tipo: artículo de revista

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