Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Addressing the challenges of upland farming in southern Shan State for climate resilience

Smallholder farmers particularly in climate vulnerable developing countries such as Myanmar are facing increasing challenges related to food insecurity and climate change. Research has increasingly pointed towards agro-ecology as a movement, with the science and approach suitable to building the resilience of smallholder farmers. Since 2014, the Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID) has been actively working with ethnic Taungyoe villages in southern Shan State, Myanmar, to build climate change resilience in part by promoting and implementing agro-ecology.

This case study will examine transitions in the upland project area to contribute to a growing knowledge base on agro-ecology in the ASEAN region to support the adoption and promotion of these practices. Initiatives include conservation agriculture, organic agriculture and integrated crop management. More specifically, the techniques which have been taught in the villages through a farmer field school approach will be highlighted, including ginger value chains, intercropping, contour land preparation methods, organic composting, seed banks, seed selection and natural management of pests and diseases.

Año: 2017
País(es): Myanmar
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English
Author: Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID) ,
Tipo: documento normativo
Organization: Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development

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