Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Environmental and Social Standards, Certification and Labelling for Cash Crops

In terms of markets for labelled products, products labelled "organic" have captured the biggest market shares. For tropical products, market shares of labelled products (i.e. organic and fair-trade together) are typically one to two percent of the total North American and European markets. This ranges from 0.8 percent in the coffee market to two percent for bananas and fresh citrus. Annual growth rates of 20 percent or more in market volume have been observed for many consecutive years. For some products, such as organic bananas, growth rates of close to 100 percent were reported, but peak growth seems to be over. Sales volumes for fair-trade labelled products have been growing at 10 to 25 percent a year, albeit from a low base.

Año: 2003
Texto completo disponible en: http://www.fao.org/3/y5136e/y5136e00.htm
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English
Author: Cora Dankers and Pascal Liu ,
Tipo: Documento de trabajo
Organization: FAO

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