Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

E-learning: Introduction to the global governance of food and agriculture from a sovereignty perspective

This online training gives an overview of the global spaces of governance related to food and agriculture. It gives a general insight on the progressive entering of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) within these crucial spaces of governance (Module II). The Module III focuses on the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) where social movements are organizing a huge advocacy work through the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM), supported by the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC). This course also gives a broader picture of other spaces (FAO, UN Human Right Council, etc.) where Food sovereignty agenda can be advanced (Module IV), highlighting the work of constituencies (Module V).

Through this online training, Schola Campesina, wishes to empower food producers organizations members –specifically the youth- and strengthen their capacity to influence and advocate within these spaces, bringing the voice of Agroecology and Food Sovereignty movements in the global agenda.

Año: 2020
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English
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Tipo: Aprendizaje
Organization: Schola Campesina

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