Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Agroecological Risk and Resilience Screening Tool

Applying a resilience lens to food system analysis and programming requires that we pay particular attention to understanding the ways shocks, stressors and even program interventions that impact one part of the food system can have additional impacts or unintended consequences on other system components, and potentially, the entire system. In order to ensure that increases in agricultural productivity are sustainable and do not increase vulnerability over the long term, the likely agroecological impacts of proposed strategies should be examined. This "Agroecological Risk and Resilience Screening Tool" provides a structured approach to looking at the potential agroecological impacts of agricultural interventions. The tool utilizes a food system perspective and agroecological principles to guide those who design and implement agriculture and food security programs through a series of inquiries into how their interventions may affect the crucial natural capital of smallholder farmers. By identifying opportunities to leverage and maximize available resources in resource scarce environments, programs may reduce a program's unintended consequences, and enhance the resilience of productive, sustainable agroecosystems and the households, markets and food systems which rely on them.

Año: 2014
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English
Author: Scarborough, G , Mendez, V.E., Bisson, A
Tipo: Manual
Organization: MercyCorps

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