Centro de conocimientos sobre agroecología

Himalayan Permaculture Centre (HPC) Website

HPC has a focus on remote/poor/resource depleted farming communities in Surkhet & Humla districts of Western Nepal, and especially marginalised populations (women & low-caste), using low-tech appropriate technologies to increase domestic farm productivity through reducing costs of labour, money and other external resources while increasing farm diversity, reslience, health, education and livelihoods. The program uses models of design that can be replicated elsewhere and to do that locally trains farmer-trainers that can go to other communities to expand/roll out the working ethics, principles and techniques. As such its sectors are food security (farmers' demos, training, livestock, irrigation, appropriate technology), health (women's health, drinking water), education (schools, practical literacy, publishing), livelihoods (handicrafts, herbs, bee products, etc.) and capacity building (trainers' training, community design, etc.)

País(es): Nepal
Texto completo disponible en: http://www.himalayanpermaculture.com/
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English
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Tipo: Sitio web

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