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Carbon storage and density dynamics of associated trees in three contrasting Theobroma cacao agroforests of Central Cameroon

In Central Cameroon cocoa is mainly produced by household farming systems based on complex associations between cocoa and companion trees. Setup either on native/remnant forest or savannah, these agroforestry systems (AFS) are managed according their geographical position and local pedoclimatic conditions. In this paper, the authors investigated the effects of local management strategies on carbon storage of live trees in three different cocoa production zones of Central Cameroon. In the 58 fields studied, 8,996 cocoa trees and 1,258 companions were surveyed. Total carbon content of live trees was on average close to 70 t·ha−1. Dynamics of carbon storage in live trees was found to be independent from cocoa trees growth and age. When aging, AFS continuously lost companion trees and especially conserved ones putatively because of farmers’ selective logging. Yet, AFS apparently maintained equivalent carbon storage abilities with time. Hence, even if cocoa do not contribute significantly to carbon storage in this study, the systems into which they are included are able to significantly store carbon and may also contribute to other ecological services such as conservation.

Title of publication: Agroforestry Systems
Volume: 87
Issue: 6
ISSN: 1572-9680
Nombre de pages: 1309-1320
Année: 2013
Pays: Cameroon
Couverture géographique: Afrique
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English
Author: Stéphane Saj , Patrick Jagoret, Hervé Todem Ngogue
Type: article de journal
