Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Landscape Roundtable: Territorial Perspectives for Development

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and EcoAgriculture Partner organized this webinar about recent developments on territorial perspectives for development and their links with integrated landscape management.

Territorial approaches to development, or multi-stakeholder approaches implemented at a defined spatial level, are a potentially powerful tool for improving development outcomes. By taking into account the entire set of spatial dynamics that characterize a territory or region, territorial approaches to development better enable the creation of successful development policies adapted to new territorial realities. Their ability to address the complexity of economic, social and spatial transformations happening in a globalized world better accounts for the integrated nature of the SDGs and can help move towards the implementation of the 2030 agenda.

This roundtable explored the insights and innovations of territorial approaches to development, including findings from a recent comparative analysis of 14 cases, and reflect on the links with integrated landscape management.

The Landscape Roundtable is an on-going series of discussions focusing on climate change, agriculture, and landscapes jointly organized FAO and by EcoAgriculture Partners since 2009.

Photo credit:Sajal Sthapit

 30/04/2020 -
Année: 2020
Langue: English
: ,
Type: Événement
