Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Webinar ''Community-supported agriculture and COVID-19 - A Resilient Model?'' on 10 January 2021

Community-supported agriculture (CSA) has played a critical role in feeding local communities during the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic has highlighted the weaknesses and gaps in our global food production and distribution systems. In contrast, smaller more local farms and direct sales models are being celebrated as more resilient and veg box customer numbers soared in 2020.

This session from CSA farmers in Europe and the global CSA movement of the International Community Supported Agriculture Network (Urgenci) aimed to gather the different responses and approaches taken by CSAs throughout the pandemic. What has actually been happening on the ground? Has there been a boom in the CSA movement? There is growing recognition that family-scale farms using agroecological practices are an essential part of a system capable of providing healthy, nutritious food for all.

 10/01/2021 - 10/01/2021
Année: 2021
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English
: ,
Type: Événement
Organization: International Community Supported Agriculture Network (Urgenci)
