Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Global boiling is here and it´s unfair - The Fair Trade Movement calls for immediate action


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently declared that the world has entered the era of “global boiling”1. Our daily news underscores this alarming picture with record-breaking meteorological disasters. Climate change has become impossible to ignore. And so has the fact that its effects are unequally distributed across systems, regions, and sectors, leading the people least responsible to be the ones worst affected. 

This brief puts the spotlight on trade policies as an engine of climate change but also positions Fair Trade as a way of mitigating its impacts fostering the transition towards more resilient and climate-neutral supply chains, and protecting human rights while creating equal benefits for all.

Année: 2023
Langue: English
: ,
Type: Rapport
Organization: Fair Trade International, Fair Trade Advocacy Office, World Fair Trade Organization
