Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Dialogues of Knowledge and Practices of Family Farming Family farming in the face of climate change: experiences and solutions from Agroecology

Reflecting on the challenges to advance an agenda of transforming food systems and building more prosperous and inclusive societies involves facing the effects/impacts of climate change and strengthening initiatives that allow a transition to more sustainable production systems. Hunger and malnutrition have increased in recent years in the context of population growth, greater pressure on natural resources, loss of biodiversity, and the threat of climate change, the effects of which are increasingly acute. The intensity of extreme climate events has increased significantly, rising from 9% in 2000-04 to 57% in 2015-2020. By 2030, climate change could push an estimated 2.4-5.8 million people in the region into extreme poverty (Jafino, 2020), with worsening effects on rural livelihoods and security expected. particularly for small and medium-sized farmers and mountain indigenous peoples. In addition to the general reduction in agricultural production, adequate agricultural area, and water availability (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022).

Although family farmers are particularly exposed to the impacts of climate change, family farming has witnessed thousands of years of transformations, with a heritage of ancestral knowledge and wisdom that allows them to position themselves as key allies in the design of farming strategies. adaptation and mitigation of climate change. In this sense, it is essential to recognize family farmers as important holders of agroecological knowledge.

Agroecology offers a unique approach to meeting the needs of present and future generations. It aims to transform agri-food systems by addressing the root causes of problems and providing holistic and long-term solutions based on knowledge co-creation, exchange, and innovation, including the combination of local, traditional, indigenous, and practical knowledge with a science multidisciplinary.

Likewise, the agroecological transition has been linked to the processes of sustainable rural development, the strengthening of small farmers, the protection of biodiversity and the environment, and the fight against climate change, giving a priority place to family farmers. as key pieces to expand the scope of agroecology and rescuing the traditional productive knowledge and ancestral knowledge of indigenous peoples. Therefore, it is key to advance public policies that allow incorporating the foundations of this approach to agricultural and rural development in the region. 

Given the above, this first edition of the Dialogues on Knowledge and Practices of Family Farming will have Agroecology as its theme. This edition will be composed of three sessions, focusing on successful experiences of family farming and agroecology in different geographical contexts, focusing on their specific contributions to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

Taking advantage of the existing dynamics within the framework of the Agroecology Commission of the Specialized Meeting on Family Farming of MERCOSUR (REAF/MERCOSUR) and the existing advances in this space for the development and implementation of actions and policies for the Family Farming sector. , each work session is expected to address the following topics:

Session 1: Agroecology for adaptation and mitigation to climate change and the environmental agenda – September 29, 2023.

Session 2: Agroecology and institutionality, advances in public policies for Family Farming in MERCOSUR countries – October 12, 2023.

Session 3: Global experiences on agroecology – October 31, 2023.


- Analyze successful experiences of family farming and agroecology in different regions of the world, focusing on their specific contributions to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

- Analyze the benefits and advantages of agroecology in terms of adaptation and mitigation of climate change, highlighting its contributions to the resilience of agricultural systems and food security.

- Explore the crucial role of family farmer organizations, women, and youth in the promotion and application of agroecological practices, highlighting their contributions in terms of traditional knowledge, innovation, and community participation.

Année: 2023
Couverture géographique: Amérique latine et les Caraïbes
Langue: Spanish
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Type: Événement
