Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Farming Matters: Revaluing traditional plants

This issue of Farming Matters looks at the growing number of initiatives that aim to revive the potential of traditional plant species, and illustrates that these plants can strengthen resilient family farming rooted in agroecology and diversity.

This issue of the magazine shows that traditional plants are a central element in the creation of alternatives to the dominant crops and the associated global food markets.


Farmers in focus: André Jurrius

Editorial: Traditional plants build resilience and resistance by Madeleine Florin, Diana Quiroz and Janneke Bruil

Opinion: Elizabeth Mpofu

Making millets matter in Madhya Pradesh by Ashis Mondal, Israel Oliver King, Somnath Roy, Shambhavi Priyam, Gennifer Meldrum, Stefano, Padulosi, and Sharad Mishra

Heritage grains: digging our roots, planting our seeds by Kristen Spruit

Interview: “Real solutions are in the diversity of food and farming”-Mariam Mayet

Lupin regains ground in Central Ecuador by Nelson Mazón, Eduardo Peralta, Elena Villacrés, and Ángel Murillo

Linking food choice with biodiversityby Jens Herbold

Locally rooted: Ideas and initiatives from the field

Planting roots with non-timber forest products by Rick Burnette and Abram Bicksler

Opinion: Kylie Lingard

Farmers’ firm grip on diversityby Leah Samberg

Youth and agriculture: Frederik van Oudenhoven

Perspectives: Fair and sustainable expansion of traditional crops – lessons from quinoa by Didier Bazile

Mind! New books on knowledge and agroecology

Advocating for sustainable pastoralism together by RBG project team

FAO’s Regional meetings on agroecology: A reflection by Janneke Bruil and Diana Quiroz

Volume: 32.2
Éditeur: ILEIA
Année: 2016
ISBN: ISSN: 2210-6499
Langue: English
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Type: Livre
