Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Changes of rice landrace diversity and rules of seed exchange in Yuanyang

To evaluate the factors allowing the sustainable development of Hani rice landrace, rice diversity in Yuanyang County and seed exchange in Qingkou village was surveyed. The results showed that the diversity of rice landraces in Yuanyang County reduced slowly than in other modern culture regions. In terms of altitude gradient and marital status, the seed exchange among Hani people has a clear rules: 68.6% exogamous households exchanged seed outside their village and 55.1% was exchanged inside. The ratio of purchased rice seeds was very low. Exchanges among different altitudes were found as follows: 35% exchanged seed from lower to higher altitudes, 40% from higher to lower and 25% remained at nearly same altitude. These results indicate that the frequent and regular seed exchanges are important factors for sustainable development of Hani rice landraces.

Title of publication: Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
ISSN: 1672-1810
Nombre de pages: 311-313
Année: 2011
Pays: China
Couverture géographique: Asie et le Pacifique
Langue: Chinese (Traditional)
Author: ZHU You-yong , GAO Dong, HE Xia-hong
Type: article de journal
