Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Lunch #Agroecologyworks! - Documentary pre-screening and financial flow analysis

The Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme) and Biovision organize an online meeting that will take place on 22 or/and 23 April 2020, 12-14.15h CET. Participants will exchange opinions on the pre-screening of the documentary emerging from the vibrant Food Systems Caravan touring through West Africa from Sept-Nov 2019 and a new analysis about finanical flows for agricultural research for development. The structure of this meeting will be:

  • Cisco WebEx meeting with introduction of context of the documentary by Fernando Sousa and Sara Correia (15min)
  • Decentralised individual viewing at the same time with provided link to raw cut of the documentary (70-90min)
  • Reconvening Cisco WebEx meeting for exchange of reactions; closure of online meeting (15-30min)
  • Additional feedback opportunity on the documentary via survey until about a week after the meeting.

Donors and implementers alike call for research that demonstrates the productivity and economic viability of AE on a larger scale. The study “Swiss -Funded Agricultural Research for Development (AgR4D) – Dawn of an Agroecological Transition?” sheds light on the money flow and provides interesting recommendations for strengthening AE. The Food Systems Caravan West Africa put agroecology and systems thinking at the core of its approach. It was on tour from September to November 2019 and provided a unique opportunity of moving a coordinating multimedia team along the road from Bamako, Mali, to Ibadan, Nigeria, where r4d partner institutions and field sites were present throughout. The team documented ongoing research activitives, organised events and promoted a cross -project and cross -country learning process. From the Food Systems Caravan emerges a documentary targeting interesting stakeholders in the food system as well as the general public.

 22/04/2020 - 23/04/2020
Год: 2020
Географический охват: Экономическое сообщество западноафриканских государств (ECOWAS)
Язык контента: English
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Категория: Мероприятие
Organization: The Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d programme) and Biovision

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