Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Webinar: Family farming - impacts, challenges and strategies for COVID-19

The first event in the Global Series of Webinars: Impacts, Challenges and Strategies for COVID-19 on Family Farming begins with an exchange between regional organizations, platforms in Latin America, and the Caribbean and Agricultural and forestry Producer Organizations (APOs) from Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala and Uruguay. This first meeting is an opportunity to hear the views of the producer and family farmer organizations themselves and to exchange good practices, successful experiences and solutions to the health crisis caused by COVID-19.


 27/05/2020 - 27/05/2020
Год: 2020
Географический охват: Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Язык контента: Spanish
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Категория: Мероприятие
Organization: FAO

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