Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Emerging responses to the COVID-19 crisis from family farming and the agroecology movement in Latin America – A rediscovery of food, farmers and collective action

In Latin America, the "informal sector", family farming, and agroecological movements were essential in facing and adapting to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. A group of Latin American research organizations conducted a research study to assess the nature and scope of the first initiatives (first three months) to address and cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin American countries.

The pandemic highlighted the key role of food systems and local value chains and the need to strengthen them through public policies to build food resilience in crisis times and beyond. The analysis revealed some key characteristics of local food systems that were essential in overcoming this and other potential issues:

– The pre-existence of social organizations and institutions (for example, the agroecological movement, farmers' unions, consumer organizations, etc.) and their capacity to face and re-orient themselves in the face of a crisis;

– The operation of alternative market channels that were critical in their early response to mobility restrictions and new security protocols imposed by the pandemic (e.g., fresh local markets, online sales, food delivery, etc.)

– The role that social networks and online tools can play in connecting people (producers and consumers, networks, short value chains, etc.) and the consequent benefits of widespread information technology literacy;

– The support from governments, ranging from the local to the national level, for existing initiatives related to family farming and agroecology, previously considered as marginal alternatives, in some cases even contradicting their own points of view and policies;

– Increasing awareness and participation of urban consumers in local food systems, recognizing their essential nature and contribution to their health and well-being.

Title of publication: Agricultural Systems
Том: 190
Выпуск: May 2021
Год: 2021
Географический охват: Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Язык контента: English
Author: Tittonell, P., M. Fernandez, V.E. El Mujtar, P.V. Preiss, S. Sarapura, L. Laborda, M.A. Mendonça, V.E. Alvarez, G.B. Fernandes, P. Petersen, I.M. Cardoso ,
Категория: журнальная статья

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