Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Documentary: ''Seeds that nurture us''

Small farmers are by far the largest and most prolific group of seed breeders not only in Uganda but also in Africa and they have successfully cultivated an abundant diversity of crops for centuries. However, various initiatives are underway to introduce the so‐called Green Revolution technologies into the country’s agriculture sector, with the aim of building commercial input (especially improved seed and synthetic fertilizer) and output markets. These efforts are orientated towards commercial seed production and the introduction of commercial seed systems. This documentary argues that such an approach requires a fundamental restructuring of seed laws to allow for certification systems that not only protect certified varieties but also criminalize all non‐certified seeds which will representa serious threat to African seed systems and agro‐biodiversity. Currently, there is also a decline of indigenous and traditional food and seed systems that can barely be traced within communities despite their numerous nutritional, medicinal, social, and economic benefits.

COVID-19 has unveiled the importance of indigenous seed varieties as a way to guarantee food sovereignty and nutrition security. In a bid to restore the utilization and conservation of indigenous food and seed varieties in Uganda, Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) – Uganda  with support from Both ENDS produced a documentary in order to showcase and unpack the Farmers Managed Seed System, the evolution of seed, and experiences of smallholder farmers.

Год: 2021
Географический охват: Африки
Язык контента: English
Author: SEATINI-Uganda ,
Категория: Видеоматериал

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