Call for abstracts: Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture and Forced Displacement
Integrating urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) into development and humanitarian assistance provides opportunities for both forcibly displaced persons (FDPs) and host communities. In the often-fragile contexts of forced displacement, it can increase resilience at both the livelihood and landscape levels. ''Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture and Forced Displacement'', a forthcoming volume planned for the Springer Urban Agriculture Book Series, examines the role of UPA in improving the livelihoods for FDPs and host communities, as well as in contributing to sustainable and resilient settlements and cities more broadly.
The book will use historical and contemporary case studies from around the world, covering displacement camps, refugee and host community settlements, and urban areas. It will emphasize the role of UPA in supporting food supply chains, food security, gender equity, and social cohesion and inclusion for FDPs and host communities alike.
Submissions of case studies, comparative analysis, and cross-cutting reports on UPA interventions related to forced displacement can showcase UPA in multiple forms (such as micro-gardening, hydroponics, permaculture, agroecology, livestock rearing, agroforestry, bioenergy, and larger-scale entrepreneurial production).
Diverse contexts will be included: urban areas, camps, and settlements; low-, mid-and high-income countries; short-term, mid-term, and protracted displacement; and formal and informal resettlement. Submissions may relate to urban planning, project design, development programming, and/or landscape approaches for ongoing, recent, and historic examples.
The deadline for abstract submission is 31 January 2022.
To submit an abstract, please click here.