Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Working equids in numbers: why data matters for policy

There are an estimated 116 million equines (donkeys, horses and mules) globally, with 36 million in the 38 lowest-income countries. But accurate population data is lacking for many countries. This gap means that governments and organisations can’t spot worrying trends and threats to equine populations, such as illegal trades and diseases.

Policymakers need reliable data to make informed decisions to better support working animals’ welfare and their communities’ livelihoods. Data is also essential for disease surveillance and epidemiological research, as well as responding to wider threats like climate change, water access and food insecurity.

The research report explores 36 countries’ last censuses to highlight challenges for governments, and provide recommendations. There are also case studies on China, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Mexico, Senegal and the United Kingdom.

Год: 2022
Язык контента: English
Author: Brooke ,
Категория: Доклад

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