Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Tirer le meilleur profit des procédés écologiques

AGRIDAPE (Revue sur l'agriculture durable à faibles apports externes), is a Magazine about Sustainable Agriculture with Low External Inputs. This notion refers to all those technological and social choices available to farmers that are willing to improve their production with an eye for a better environmental management. The French language magazine's focus is on the optimal use of local resources and natural processes but also the handling of measurement and control inputs when needed. It tries to stimulate the capacity of individuals and communities to build their future on the base of their own skills, values, and cultures. We seek to combine local knowledge with scientific expertise in order to help individuals, institutions and policymakers in finding the solutions that better fit the needs of small farmers in West Africa.

'Profiting from agroecology' - This issue of AGRIDAPE sheds light on ways to maximise profits through agroecology and low external input agriculture.

Том: 22
Год: 2007
Страна/страны: Bangladesh, Nepal, Western Sahara
Язык контента: French
Author: Innovation environnement developpement (IED) ,
Категория: журнальная статья

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