
Effects of agricultural landscape heterogeneity on biodiversity and ecosystem services

It is undoubted that biodiversity and its’ ecosystem services have significant importance for agricultural landscapes. The semi-natural habitats are the indispensable covers in agro-landscape, which maintain higher biodiversity because they provide refuge, foods and breeding place. To meet the demands of a growing human population, agricultural systems have been enlarged by altering non-crop areas to crop land and produced more crops per unit area. The disturbances to ecosystems intensified, inducing a decrease in biodiversity. Keeping high biodiversity in agricultural landscape is significant for sustainable development of agriculture. In this paper, composition and characteristics of agricultural landscape heterogeneity were reviewed and its effects on biodiversity and ecological services discussed.

Landscape heterogeneity included compositional heterogeneity, configurational heterogeneity, as well as temporal and functional heterogeneity. Most evidences showed that higher heterogeneity of agro-landscape affected positively on biodiversity. The temporal dynamics (historical, short-term and seasonal change of landscape) of landscape context may help improving understanding about the interaction between landscape structure and biodiversity in agro-landscape. Scale effect of landscape heterogeneity on biodiversity existed and is a core content of landscape ecology. Multi-scale effects of spatial and temporal landscape heterogeneity on non-agricultural biodiversity were significant. The biodiversity of plants, ground arthropods and soil fauna were related to landscape heterogeneity in different radius buffer area. The responses of different non-agricultural biological groups were different because the landscape context and biological characteristics. The mechanisms of landscape heterogeneity maintaining biodiversity was also summarized. The combination of plant dispersal modes or animal’s migration modes and landscape structure determined how far plant and animal species could move through the landscape to reach suitable patches. Influences of landscape heterogeneity on bio-control, pollination, and material cycle that provided by natural enemy, flower visitors and soil fauna were overviewed too. More and more studies had shown landscape heterogeneity and agricultural managements were important driving factors of plant, animal, and microorganisms, and furthermore impacted ecosystem services, such as nutrient recycle, water adjustment, pest biocontrol, etc. Based on the results of a series study of effects of agricultural landscape heterogeneity on non-agricultural biodiversity in the middle and lower area of the Yellow River, the development and perspective of landscape heterogeneity and biodiversity were summarized. Further studies should focus on relationships between agro-landscape context and biodiversity and its mechanisms based on spatial and temporal heterogeneity of landscape.

Title of publication: Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
卷号: 24
期号: 4
国际标准刊号: 1671-3990
页数: 443-450
年份: 2016
国家: China
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
内容语言: Chinese (Traditional)
Author: Song Bo , Ding Shengyan, Zhao Shuang, Li Zihan, Hou Xiaoyun
类别: 杂志文章
