
Report of the Expert Consultation on the Development of International Guidelines for Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries

The Expert Consultation on the Development of International Guidelines for Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries was convened by FAO at the request of the twenty-fifth session of the Committee on Fisheries, Rome, 24-28 February 2003.

Drawing upon various sources including relevant guides of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the Expert Consultation developed draft international guidelines encompassing principles, minimum substantive requirements, criteria and procedures for ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries. The principles refer to, inter alia, consistency with the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, recognition of the sovereign rights of States, compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, the voluntary nature of ecolabelling schemes, transparency, non-discrimination, based on best scientific evidence, truthfulness and accountability, etc.

Minimum substantive requirements and criteria are set forth for assessing whether an ecolabel may be awarded to a fishery. Ecolabelling schemes may apply additional or more stringent requirements and criteria. Minimum substantive requirements are specified for each of three areas: management systems, target stocks and ecosystem considerations. For management systems, more specific criteria are also listed.

The draft guidelines address the three principal procedural and institutional matters that any ecolabelling scheme should encompass: (1) the setting of certification standards, (2) the accreditation of independent certifying bodies, and (3) the certification that a fishery and the product chain of custody are in conformity with the required standard and procedures.

As a general consideration, ecolabelling schemes should take into account that principles, minimum substantive requirements, criteria and procedures will apply equally for developed, transition and developing countries; they should also consider equivalence of standards between countries.

The draft guidelines incorporate aspects relating to the special requirements of developing countries and countries in transition to adopt ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries.

年份: 2003
国家: Italy
内容语言: English
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类别: 会议记录
Organization: FAO
