
First IFOAM Conference on Organic Certification

Organic agriculture has been the fastest growing food sector for almost two decades and this trend continues. With the growth of the organic sector, and with more volumes in the market place and more distance between producers and consumers, a guarantee on the nature of products becomes more and more important. What distinguishes an organic product, thus guiding consumers’ choices and market trends, is precisely the organic label. Thus, organic certification is an essential step for the differentiation needed for the growth of organic agriculture. And trust in the organic label is key to success.

Putting a label on a product is not an easy task. Guidelines and requirements for food certification and labelling abound - and the organic community has added its own systems to the existing jungle.

年份: 2006
内容语言: English
Author: Alexander Muller ,
类别: 会议文件
Organization: FAO
