
Certification in the value chain for fresh fruits: the example of banana industry

Some officials in banana exporting countries and development agencies consider that certification3 to specific voluntary standards may be one of the instruments available to mitigate these threats. They reckon that certain standards have the potential to add value, enhance market access and reduce the adverse environmental and social impacts of banana production.In order to make informed decision on whether to invest in certification, they need to address the following questions: How widespread is certification in the export banana sector? What are the advantages of certification schemes from the producers’ perspective?What are the markets for organic and fair-trade bananas and their growth prospects? Who are the main players in the organic and fair-trade banana industries? Do certified bananas fetch higher prices than conventional bananas? Does the export chain allow producing countries to reap the full benefits of certification? What are the main challenges ahead for producers of certified bananas?

This report intends to provide key elements for answering these questions. Before starting the analysis, it is necessary to introduce the factors that have fuelled the adoption of certification in the banana industry and the main categories of schemes used.

年份: 2008
内容语言: English
Author: Pascal Liu ,
类别: 报告
Organization: Trade and Markets Division (FAO)
