
Survey on agroecological programes in academic institutions

Academia is one of the pillars that contribute to building agroecology by providing scientific knowledge and by giving future research the opportunity to innovate and enhance the agroecological approach.

The FAO Agroecology team believes in the future agroecology promoters and for this reason, we are creating an academic database in the Agroecology Knowledge Hub, the ‘’Agroecology Education Hub’’ that will include all the available education programs on agroecology. This plan is part of the Scaling up Agroecology Initiative.

Therefore, we are collecting data and we encourage you to provide us information on Agroecology Education programs by filling out this survey in:

Please, disseminate these surveys to those working in the academic field, so that we all can contribute to scaling up agroecology.

Many thanks for your contribution!

FAO Agroecology team

年份: 2019
内容语言: English
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类别: 活动
