
Transition to Ecological Agriculture

Every year hundreds of farmers transform their production into ecological agriculture. The transitional period, during which they introduce organic farming techniques on the farm, is what it is known as transition period.
During the conversion time, all the standards established in European regulations are applicable. It is a dynamic and progressive process during which the agroecosystem adjusts to a new balance in its components, under a new framework of environmental, economic and social relations.

Organic farming regulations establish the conditions for a crop to be certified as organic, being necessary to comply with a series of principles and production standards on the origin of seeds, fertilization, control of adventitious plants, pests and diseases, etc. Starting the transition to ecological production is a process that always generates many doubts to producers.

Therefore, the purpose of this course is to answer the main questions regarding the transition process. 

The free course will take place from 4 February to 16 March 2020 in Valencia (Spain) with a total duration of 55 hours. The course is divided into an online theoretical part that consists of 10 topics and an in-person session. 

地点: Requena, Valencia, España
年份: 2020
国家: Spain
内容语言: Spanish
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类别: 学习
Organization: Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica
