
Call for papers: Special Issue "Sustainability and Political Agroecology"

A special issue of the “Sustainability’’ journal part of the section "Sustainable Agriculture" with a thematic focus on "Sustainability and Political Agroecology" is calling for manuscript submissions until 31 December 2021. The focus on political agroecology includes the analysis of grassroots processes that are being generated by different social organizations to strengthen agroecological transitions in any of the areas of agrifood systems. Highlighting the impact of feminism within agroecology movements, this Special issue aims to collect and analyses the experiences of different policies on agroecology that have been implemented on municipal, regional, state, and international levels by exploring the change towards sustainability through agroecological tools.

 31/12/2021 - 31/12/2021
年份: 2020
内容语言: English
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类别: 活动
Organization: MDPI
