
Regional workshop on Organic Agriculture Regulatory Framework and Marketing for Europe and Central Asia on 22 and 23 February 2022

22 and 23 February 2022 | 10:00-13:00 CET| Register here

Organic agriculture continues to develop dynamically in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region as in many parts of the world. The increased demand for organic products in regional and international markets provides an opportunity to develop the organic agriculture sector in the region and fulfil countries’ desires to protect the environment, biodiversity and family farming. In most countries in the Region that are not Member States of the European Union, organic agriculture is in a pioneer phase, with the potential to enhance food security, rural development, sustainable livelihoods and environmental integrity.

The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and the Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu Derneği(ETO), Turkey are organizing this webinar as a virtual regional seminar on Organic Agriculture. The main objective of the webinar is to promote organic agriculture development in the region with strengthening capacities on institutional and regulatory framework, and market opportunities for organic agriculture products of ECA member countries.

The webinar will also serve as part to share the finding and the key recommendations of the review report “Overview of Organic Agriculture Development in Europe and Central Asia” with a focus on discussion with stakeholders and updating and validating its recommendations.

The webinar will share also some country experiences and lessons learnt and discussion on key aspects which include the legal and regulatory framework, organic certification system, marketing and value chain for domestic and export markets. The webinar will also review the regional and international market of organic products (e.g., China and EU) and potential export of Central Asia and Central and East European countries. It will also offer the opportunity to discuss other issues and needs and prioritize developing organic agriculture in the region.

SESSION 1. Regulatory and institutional Development in Organic Agriculture

22 February 2022 (10:00-13:00 CET)

Moderator: Viliami Fakava, FAO REU Plant Production & Protection Officer

10:00 | Welcome and opening remarks, Tania Santivanez, Agriculture and Climate Change Team Leader, FAO REU

Organic Agriculture Development in ECA region

10.10 | FAO support to the development of Organic Agriculture, Hafiz Muminjanov, Technical Advisor, FAO NSP

10:20 | FAO Regional Study “An overview of the development of organic agriculture in eighteen (18) countries in the ECA region.” Uygun Aksoy, Association of Ecological Agriculture Organization (ETO), Turkey

10:40 | FAO Case Study “Organic Agriculture Legislative and Regulatory Framework review in Kyrgyzstan”, Carmen Bullon, FAO HQ Legal Officer

11:00 | The Organic Certification Process: Experiences of in Building up a Third-Party Inspection and Certification Body, David Bedoshvili, Caucascert, Georgia

11:15 | Participatory Guarantee System for Organic: Case of Kyrgyzstan, Asan Alymkulov, BioKG, Kyrgyzstan

11:30 | The New EU Regulation on Organic Farming and Effect on Third Countries, Emmanuelle Busacca, IFOAM EU

11:45 | Development of Organic Agriculture in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Armen Harutunyan, Director of Agriculture Policy EAEU), Eurasian Economic Commission

12:00-12:40 | Panel discussion –Development of Organic Agriculture in ECA region, Facilitator: Uygun Aksoy, Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu Derneği (ETO)

1. Role of state in developing legislation and strategies: Marcela Stahi, Organic Production and Products of Origin Unit, MoAF, Moldova

2. Role of extension in promoting organic production: Başak Egesel, Organic and GAP Unit, MoAF, Turkey

3. Research and innovation on organic agriculture in Kyrgyzstan Tinatin Doolotkeldiyeva, Manas University, Bishkek, KYR

4. Setting research priorities and networking: European Technology Platform on Organic, Maria Gernert, TP Organics

12:40-12:55 | Comments and Discussion

12:55-13:00 | Closing remarks for Session 1, Viliami Fakava, FAO REU Plant Production & Protection Officer (5 min)


SESSION 2: Marketing of Organic Products

23 February, 2022 10:00-13:00 CET

Moderator: Cheng Fang, FAO REU Economist (Commodity and Trade)

10:00 |Opening remarks Arias, PedroMarcelo, FAO REU Economist

10:10 |Organic Agriculture in Asia, Qiao Yuhui, IFOAM Asia

10:30 | China Organic Food Market Development and Marketing Opportunities for Organic agriculture Products of CA and CEE Countries, Xia ZHAO China Agri University (FAO International Consultant)

10:50 | Development of Organic Agriculture and Markets in Russia, Oleg Mironenko, National Organic Union, Russian Federation

11:10 | Organic Agriculture Marketing & Value Chain Study for Kyrgyzstan, Matthew Henry, FAO International Consultant

11:30-12:30 | Success Stories on Organic Agriculture from the Region

Facilitator: Matthew Henry, FAO International Consultant

1. Trends in organic cotton and textile sectors, Aydın Ünsal, EgeDeniz, Turkey

2. Development of Organic Cotton in Tajikistan, Sergei Nicolaisen, Farnico Int, Tajikistan

3. More than 30 Years Experience in Organic, IŞIK TARIM, Mehmet Çetin, Işık Tarım, Turkey

4. How to Build Market for Organic Products, Suzana Dimitrievska, ZZ Eko-Ilinden, North Macedonia

5. Experience from Kosovo, Agroproduct-shpk, Fjolla Avdylaj, Kosovo

12:30-12:50 | Session 2 Wrap-Up, Cheng Fang, FAO REU Economist (Commodity and Trade)

12:50-13:00 | Closing Remarks and Way Forward, Viliami Fakava, FAO REU Plant Production & Protection Officer

 22/02/2022 - 23/02/2022
年份: 2022
地理范围: 欧洲及中亚
内容语言: English, Russian
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类别: 活动
Organization: FAO and Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu Derneği(ETO)
