
Agroecology, local food systems and their markets

This article examines the emerging phenomenon of markets for ‘agroecological’ products and ask two fundamental questions: 1) Do they exist?; and 2) What forms do they take? Based on a qualitative analysis of 12 case studies from different initiatives in developing countries, the authors focus on how different types of actors (producers, consumers and intermediaries) create markets for agroecological products. Preliminary results show that around 18 different market channels are used to sell products that are recognized as ‘agroecological’. Supply chains are short (2-3 links), even in export markets. The main values defined for agroecology and searched for by actors relate to health and organoleptic characteristics of agroecological products, thus indicating that there is not a clear demand for ‘agroecological’ products per se. The authors characterize these initiatives as ‘nested market networks’ where intermediaries have a strong role to play in ensuring the diversity that is found in these networks.

Title of publication: AGER: Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies
卷号: 25
期号: 2
国际标准刊号: 1578-7168
页数: 13-42
年份: 2018
内容语言: English
Author: Allison Marie Loconto, Alejandra Jimenez, Emilie Vandecandelaere, Florence Tartanac ,
类别: 杂志文章
