
The right to food in Europe: alliances to guarantee access to sustainable food for all

The webinar on the Right to Food in Europe was co-organized by the University of Barcelona and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. More than 200 people registered for the event, which shows growing interest in the said topic and the need to continue creating spaces to share, discuss and strengthen further the alliances to guarantee the Right to Food in Europe.

The objectives of the webinar were: 

1.) Understand the state of the art in guaranteeing the right to food in Europe.

2.) Learn from different experiences of researching food insecurity and mobilizing this evidence to influence policy agendas and foster change.

3.) Develop further alliances with academics, civil society, philanthropic foundations, and policymakers to realize the right to sustainable food.

Some of the key messages that emerged in this webinar were:

  1. The right to food is a key tool to hold governments accountable and to advance across three key aspects: a) ensure access to adequate diets for all, b) democratize food systems, and c) support the transition towards sustainable food systems; as highlighted in the opening speech by Olivier de Schutter.
  2. Food insecurity is widespread in Europe as illustrated in the presentations of Ana Moragues-Faus, Rachel Loopstra and Denis Darnand for the cases of Spain, UK and France. However, the scale and depth of the problem remains hidden partly due to the lack of comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data but also because the lack of access to adequate food is still considered as Global South problem. 
  3. Data on food insecurity and the state of the right to food can become a key tool to foster change. Rigorous monitoring can become a meeting point to build alliances with different stakeholders and influencers, create public debate around these topics and develop successful campaigns, as illustrated by Anna Taylor in the case of the UK. 
  4. Further work and discussion are needed to not only address food insecurity but embed the right to food in measurements, policy and civil society action. Some of the participants raised key questions around how to move from tackling food insecurity to using a rights based approach in developing interventions, policies and advocacy, as well as embed this right at different scales, from local to global action. 

年份: 2022
地理范围: 欧洲及中亚
内容语言: English
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类别: 视频
