
How can the farmer field school approach be used to support agroecological transitions in family farming in the Global South?

Recommendations for farmer field school facilitators, agricultural development project designers and managers

The key to implementing farmer field schools (FFS) is to trigger an experimentation process based on collaboration between a group of farmers and a facilitator. The purpose of this document is to provide project managers, technicians, and designers with practical information on how to use the FFS approach and adapt it to their context of intervention to support the agroecological transition (AET). It also will be useful for research staff, leaders of farmers' organizations (FOs), teachers, and students interested in using the FFS approach or better understanding its benefits.

The findings and recommendations proposed in this document are the result of a partnership between three institutions working to support AET in the Global South: CIRAD, FAO, and the NGO AVSF (Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders).

页数: #54 p.
发布者: FAO
年份: 2022
国际标准图书编号: 978-92-5-136134-4
国家: Burkina Faso, Togo
地理范围: 非洲
内容语言: English
Author: Bakker, T., Dugué, P., Roesch, K., Phillips, S., Poisot, A.S. ,
类别: 报告
