
AFSA launches 21 seed case studies from 10 countries

In Africa, farmers’ seeds are the basis of agricultural production, diverse and healthy food systems across the continent. The Farmer-managed seed system (FMSS) is the dominant system for food crops and agrobiodiversity conservation for family farmers. They persist – and thrive – despite well-funded programs promoting corporate seed and the industrial food and agriculture regime they are part of, whilst receiving little or no support from public policies and frequently denigrated in the public narrative.

These twenty-one case studies have been collected from nine African countries and India. From the most hostile environments of the Sahel (Niger) to equatorial wetlands (Gabon), saline soils (Tanzania) and oases (Tunisia), the authors show us how farmers’ varieties meet the nutritional and economic needs of populations in traditional, agroecological production systems. 

These case studies show how African farmers are taking back control of their seeds, reintroducing high-performing and resilient indigenous varieties, and coming together to save, share, exchange, and sell their own diverse and nutritious seeds.


年份: 2024
地理范围: 非洲
内容语言: English
Author: Alliance for food sovereignty in Africa ,
类别: 论文
